Return to gathering in our building is Father’s Day, June 21ST!
While our services will look a little different, we will still be together and we can hardly wait! After much prayer and discussion, we have decided on the protocols of return listed below.
* Services will be one hour in length, with “coffee table” style groups of seats in the sanctuary. If your household size is 1-3, please utilize a small grouping of chairs. If your household size is 4 or more, feel free to use a large grouping of 4-5 chairs. Services will start at 10:30 and end by 11:30, so if you plan to come, don’t miss a minute!
* We will have Family Worship Style services for the first few weeks, with all children staying with their parents. If the weather is nice, we may have a volunteer take children for an outdoor activity.
* Masks are optional but we encourage everyone to maintain physical distancing. We recognize that some of you are ready to resume “handshakes and hugs” but others are not. So we are adopting ASK BEFORE YOU HUG. There is no shame or guilt in telling someone you don’t feel ready for those, though! Grace to all!
* If you have had any fever, sore throat or cough, we ask that you stay home until you have been symptom free for at least 7 days. If you have tested positive for COVID-19, please follow the guidelines of your medical professionals before returning to service.
* We will continue to video the services and make them available to anyone is not ready to return to in-person gatherings. We extend grace and love to all of you and completely understand your hesitation. Videos will be posted on Facebook and our website on Sunday evenings.
* We will not serve coffee, water or bagels until further notice. Since our services will be shorter, we do not foresee a problem with this. But bring your own refreshments if you like. Please let your kids know that I will not have a “treat bin” for a while. This makes me as sad as it makes them, but we want to keep everyone as safe as possible!
* If you need to use the restroom while at Oak River, we ask that you are vigilant in maintaining physical distancing. We also ask that you sanitize what you touch before exiting the restroom. We will provide the spray and paper towels.
* We will provide instructions on participating in communion as desired each week.
* We encourage you to continue using the same method for tithing that you have been using the past 3 months. If you prefer, drop your tithe in the boxes at the back of the sanctuary at any time while in the building.
* We ask for your patience and kindness to flow freely as we all navigate new experiences together. This is a great opportunity to be grateful for what we have instead of focusing on what we don’t have.