Photo Gallery

Images from past events! If you would like to submit an image (all images subject to approval) please contact the church office. :)
On May 6, 2020 we held a collection for OUR COMMUNITY HUNGER CENTER in Twinsburg (closest food bank to our church.)
In addition to the groceries, we presented them with $1,710 in funds and gift cards.
In addition to the groceries, we presented them with $1,710 in funds and gift cards.
Meal for Village Grace - December 19
Volunteers from ORC assisted with cooking & serving a community meal for Slavic Village residents.
Volunteers from ORC assisted with cooking & serving a community meal for Slavic Village residents.
ORC Christmas Party - December 11, 2009
GRAND OPENING on October 11, 2009! Although we have been in this building for a little over two years, we have never had a Grand Opening to notify the community that we are here.
We geared up for that in a HUGE way - getting internal signs made, doing a marketing campaign to over 51,000 homes in Solon and the surrounding communities, and generally sprucing up the place!
We geared up for that in a HUGE way - getting internal signs made, doing a marketing campaign to over 51,000 homes in Solon and the surrounding communities, and generally sprucing up the place!
Youth Group - Tobogganing 2009